I'm feeling much better, brain fog has lifted, only an occasional pause in my speech while I have to hunt for words.
I am a nurse, so while I knew what to expect with a head injury and wasn't freaked out, it was a very odd feeling recognizing those symptoms in myself.
Though adversity has come my way, I have achieved mittenage!And the mitten fits perfectly. Now I must get busy and avoid the dreaded Second Mitten Syndrome.
I have some advice for anyone doing fringe - get some alligator clips (you can find nice ones with rubber padding in the jaws at Radio shack) or hair pins and secure the first couple of fringe stitches while you complete the fringe row. Those first ones tend to wiggle around and loosen up, and if you don't notice you're in for a bugger of a repair job. Ask me how I know this.
It is a nice day to stay home and knit, watching the snow.